Public Administration

This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of make School Education while preserving the core protections of the nation


Communication studies addresses the ways in which words, images, gestures, and symbols reflect and affect human behavior. At Rusangu University, we explore the many ways that communication can be used — and sometimes abused — to effect change in culture, law, politics, business, and every other realm in which people express themselves.

One day in class, your professor might show a social media post from a politician or celebrity. You and your classmates analyze, critique, and discuss that post from different angles, such as its medium, its message, its meanings both expressed and implied, the credibility of the messenger, and the cultural impact of the message. Then you write your own social-media post in response.

Program Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of how communication shapes patterns of social interaction, the expression of cultural values and norms, political practices and relations of power, and our positions as local and global citizens.

Be able to use a variety of methodological tools to analyze interpersonal, intercultural, and rhetorical discourse that structures everyday interactions in both our public and private lives.

Demonstrate an understanding of the possibilities, problems, and history of discourse and deliberation in democracy and will be prepared to use their knowledge to work for a just and more humane world.


Rhetoric & the Public Sphere4RSU 203
Communication & Everyday Life2RSU 340
Critical & Rhetorical Methods4RSU 657

Rhetoric & the Public Sphere4RSU 203
Communication & Everyday Life2RSU 340
Critical & Rhetorical Methods4RSU 657

Rhetoric & the Public Sphere4RSU 203
Communication & Everyday Life2RSU 340
Critical & Rhetorical Methods4RSU 657
Rhetoric & the Public Sphere4RSU 203
Communication & Everyday Life2RSU 340
Critical & Rhetorical Methods4RSU 657

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