Dr. Dorababu Tadepalli was installed as the 4th Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Rusangu University (RU) during the just-ended 16th Graduation ceremony on 4th September 2022. The VC installation normally takes place after a new VC has been elected by the governing body which is the University Council. The installation service publicly acknowledges a new VC’s appointment to the office. Rusangu University has had three VCs in its history – Mr. Mwenda Mulundano (2003-2010), Professor Mutuku Mutinga (2011-2015), and Dr. Pardon Mwansa (2016-2022). This year, on 3rd May 2022, the RU Council voted Dr. Dorababu Tadepalli as the 4th VC of RU.
Pastor Situmbaeto Munukayumbwa, the Executive Secretary for the Southern Zambia Union Conference read the VC’s profile. Dr. Tadepalli is a native of the Republic of India. He is a strong believer in the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) philosophy of Christian Education. His life objective is to excel in the field of education by preparing students to face life’s challenges with excellence through the integration of faith and learning. It has been his life’s goal to render services to the SDA education sector to the best of his ability.
In terms of his educational background, Dr. Tadepalli did his Bachelor of Science in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry at SK University in India, in 1995. Thereafter, he completed his Masters degree in Education at Spicer Adventist University. Following that accomplishment, he proceeded to do his PhD in Education at the University of Pune in India and graduated in 2004.
Professionally, Dr. Tadepalli has a total of 6 years of experience in secondary education plus 17 years of experience in higher education as follows:
- Senior Lecturer at Rusangu University from January 2013 to June 2022
- Associate Professor and Research Dean in the Department of Graduate Education and Research at the University of Southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago, from 2012 to 2013
- Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at the Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica, from 2009 to 2011
- Assistant Professor for Adult Education in the School of Social Sciences at Nehru University in New Delhi, India, from 2007 to 2009
- Instructor in the Graduate School of Education at Spicer Adventist University, India, from 2007-2009
- Senior Science Teacher at the Seventh-day Adventist High School in Secunderabad, India, from 1999 – 2005.
The University Chancellor Dr. Vanny Munyumbwe installed Dr. Tadepalli as the 4th VC of RU and handed over to him the University instruments of authority up to 2025. Thereafter, Dr. Tommy Namitondo, the RU Council Chairperson gave a charge to the VC on behalf of the Council. Dr. Tadepalli gave his response to the charge committing himself to work diligently for the betterment of RU. During this ceremony, the VCs or representatives from other public and private Universities present were invited to stand with Dr. Tadepalli as a sign of collegiality and comradely, for one who had joined their ranks. Pastor Ephraim Mutoya, the Education Director for the Northern Zambia Union Conference offered the dedicatory prayer for the new VC. The ceremony was witnessed by the Guest of Honor, Hon. Douglas Siakalima MP, Minister of Education, and other dignitaries in attendance.